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Company culture  
   Business enterprise spirit:Frontier spirit,occupation spirit,team spirit,service spirit

Business enterprise principle:Hold a pulse and run before decision,superior quality efficiently

Business enterprise style:Work well each time a small matter, perfect ego;Do good each important event, develop a business enterprise.

Business enterprise aim:The customer means our success successfully!

Business enterprise image:The marketing innovation,intense emotion of lead manage of initiate,sincerity of customer service

Business enterprise talented person"s view:The very competent at a job is a talented person.

Business enterprise value:Sow one genuine feeling and win tomorrow of business enterprise

Occupation morals view:The respect-work is an oneself respectfully,the love post is to love a family

Product List
Inductance proximity sensor
Capacitive proximity sensor
NAMUR sensor
Analog quantity sensor
Magnetism sensor
Yarn break detector
Hall sensor
Light screen sensor
Cold&hot metals detector
Cold hot metals detector
Crane crashworthy system
solid state relay
Conveyer safe switch
Pull a rope switch
Speed detector
Cam controller
pumps a slave unit
Link a gearing
Address:No.30-101 Lane 188 Maoting R.d Songjiang Industrial Zone Shanghai China Tel:86-21-37620006/7/8/9
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